A Note from the Pastor

Thank you for visiting us online; we'd also enjoy having you visit us in person.
2024 has already been a busy year! Our LATEST "big event" was Tropical Storm Debby--and we managed to have both worship services on August 4--although the evening service's attendance was "off" due to the torrential rains hitting the area about that time.
What a blessing it is to know that our God is WAY BIGGER than ANY of life's storms!
We had our annual Chili Cook-off and Dessert competition in February; the winners' pictures are on the "Our Story" page. Also, our choir enjoyed preparing and presenting this  year's Easter musical, Majesty, during the 10:45 service on Easter Sunday.  Quite a few people also attended the Easter Brunch between the early worship service and Sunday School (pics in "Our Story" page).
It's hard to believe that FBC Hernando is nearly 70 years old; we'll be celebrating the occasion with Homecoming activities on October 6. Our musical guests that day will be the SilverTones; they'll sing in the morning worship service, enjoy lunch with us, and then provide a concert after lunch. Everyone is invited to join us for this special day of worship and celebration.
Mrs. Marlene Claar has launched a new project for us! She's providing free baby bottles, and asking that those who want to participate take a baby  bottle and use it to store your "spare change" and/or loose paper currency. When the bottle gets full, bring it back and swap it for an empty one. Next spring, we'll empty out ALL the bottles, cash in the change, and make a donation to Citrus Pregnancy Center. Someone has suggested the project "Change ... for Good!" I think we'll all be surprised by how much the spare change of the FBCH family will add up to--and I look forward to our giving God the glory for however much that amount may be!
If you'd like to be a part of what God is doing at FBCH, talk with a deacon or the pastor about ways you can join us in God's work.
Please reach out to me if you have questions or need assistance with anything; calendars here on the website should give you a good idea of  everything that is going on at FBCH. We may be a small congregation, but we serve a really GREAT God; please, come and worship Him with us.