And the story goes on!

This time, it was removing the pebbled surface of the
front porch and steps of the main building. After "patching"
turned out to be a "not good" idea, it was time to take it
all up--and replace those pebbles with traction paint.
Hats off to Roy Patneaude, Roy and Chris Stubbs, AND
the old guy who showed up thinking it was a PHOTO OP!

A Matter of Balance Graduation      

EIGHT WEEKS from start to finish--and nearly everyone noticed greater flexibility, strength, and stamina. Several class members were not present for the final session and graduation activity: Linda Bowman, Pat Colebrooke, Jackie Coolbeth, Kathleen Fletcher, and Jim & Shirley Hall. Of those present at the final class meeting, most want to have a monthly "reunion" gathering to discuss how much progress they're still making! Updates will be provided on that. If you're interested in participating in A Matter of Balance class, contact the Citrus County Health Department; their next two classes are filling quickly!
Thanks, Dr. BJ and Mark, for doing a great job!
Want something NEW to do? Mrs. Marlene Claar is spearheading a NEW way to help provide financial support for the Citrus Pregnancy Center: she’ll provide you with a new baby bottle for your spare change (spare paper currency, too). When your bottle gets full, simply swap it for a new one—then next year, those “baby bottles of loose change/currency” will be part of FBCH’s gifts to the CPC—probably in conjunction with their annual 5K.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Ann and I appreciate all the financial, emotional, and prayer support you provided for our participation in the recent Great Stork Race. Also, thanks for your prayers for the Citrus Pregnancy Center; the Stork Race raised just over $76,000 for them to use to help expectant moms welcome their babies, as well as helping new moms with some of the many items needed for caring for newborns. If you’d like to be part of the Team for next year’s 5K, let the pastor know! It was a beautiful “stroll” for Ann and me this year, and we’d love to share the walk with you. Of course, some of you might want to RUN the 5K—and that’s fine—but I can tell you now that I won’t try to keep up with you! Again, thanks for all you did to help make our efforts fruitful.


166 "shoeboxes of love" packed and shipped

The  Story  of  september  7

Memorial spaces available.
After the church approved installing a large wooden cross in the
courtyard planter, it wasn't long before other ideas were shared.
Roy Patneaude asked the church's permission to replace the
shrubs with a layer of large stones, and install a memorial tablet (plaque) in memory of his wife, Sue Patneaude. The FBCH family agreed quickly--as Suzy had played such a large role in the church family life prior to her death.  With a bit of help from Roy Stubbs and the pastor, the shrubs came out, along with about a foot of sand, and several yards of large stone were dumped, shoveled, raked, and positioned around the cross. The picture to the right shows the "finished product."
At a recent business meeting, the church agreed to allow additional
"memorial tablets" around the planter; those wishing to honor
current members or the memories of members no longer with us
may do so at their own expense. Roy has agreed to help with the installation, so it's a win-win situation! Your memorial tablet does not have to be exactly like the one Roy chose for Sue; if you have questions or need assistance, give the pastor a shout!

Chili & Dessert Cook-off

Judges, Jeremy Winder, Halee Winder and Dina Wade, had their work cut out for them at the annual Chili and Dessert Cook-Off on Feb. 25, 2024. After lots of "sampling" and a moderate amount of discussion, the judges awarded top honors to the following:
#1, Rich Barnhart
#2, Keith Dendy
#3 Barbara Keyte
#1 Marlene Claar - Puff Pastry Cake
#2 Rosalie Gearhart - Blueberry Pudding Cake
#3 Marge Jones - Peanut Butter Pie

Where we are headed...

As we move forward in this (still) new year, our prayer is that we'll continue to lead individuals to faith in Jesus, help believers discover their spiritual gifts, and add or expand ministries as needed, so they can put their gifts into service.
We'd be honored to have you visit with us and/or join us in serving the Risen Lord right here in Citrus County, as well as around the world through our Cooperative Program giving through the SBC.